Monday, July 11, 2011

Pain, Pain, Go Away

I can't believe how much pain a body can produce. The pain in Callum's knee has been excruciating for him. He needs to be fairly sedated to keep him comfortable.

I don't understand how this can happen to such a great person. And someone who has already endured so much. Why does he need this pain? Why does he have to risk bleeding?  I am feeling, more than ever, that we have been once again robbed. Not only will we have to say good bye forever, he is not able to communicate and enjoy his family and friends these past few days. So moments taken from us. And at his expense. Thank goodness there are lots of drugs to make him comfortable. It helps to seem have some peace.

We know with each passing minute we are getting closer to losing him. Tears are starting to flow more freely. We have shared many stories with family and friends. He does smile when he hears something he likes. At least we can give him that. He did smile and have a few words throughout the day. But he is weaker and things are progressing.

The nightmare hasn't ended. And it won't. This is no bad dream. It is our reality, as surreal as it is.  I may be spending the last night with the man I chose to spend my life with. And what a life he gave me.

Thank you Callum. I love you.  And always will.

Love Forever, Lorna


  1. Sending love to both of you Laura and wishing sincerely that there was something else that I could send that would make it all better :(

    You both remain in my thoughts


  2. Lorna, it has been almost a year since I went through exactly what you are going through right now. Let the tears flow, and I hope all friends and family are given the chance to say goodbye to your husband. You both are in my prayers, and I pray that God grant you strength for what is yet to come.
