Sunday, August 8, 2010

radiation come and gone

Just a quick note tonight to let you know that Callum finished his 5th radiation treatment on Tuesday.  They said it would take 8 - 14 days for him to start feeling some pain relief.  After a number of days of pain, he finally felt like there was less of it today.  Like all rounds of radiation, he has had some fatigue and general yucky times. He is motoring along quite well with crutches and do believe this will get better with practice and once he doesn't have to deal with so much pain. It has been over 2 weeks since he went downstairs, so his TV watching has been quite limited - mostly just whatever we watch in bed before we sleep.  He has an appointment with his main oncologist Monday morning so we should have a fairly good idea of the big picture of things. We saw the neurosurgeon last week and the brain tumour has grown a wee little bit, but is causing no symptoms or problems right now so he is reluctant to do surgery at this time.  He will see what happens after a late Sept MRI. He did say that if Callum has any problems or symptoms get bad that he will take it out if Callum wants him to. We are kind of interested in hearing what the main guy says after the radiation oncologist and neurosurgeon have had their 2 cents worth!

This is Callum's leg with the markings for radiation....quite a little map!

On a totally different note, I actually made cookies for the first time in a number of years! Ginger ones...a little overcooked, but very tasty!

I am really looking forward to a quieter couple of weeks - appointment wise, anyway.  A Dr visit and chemo this week - it shouldn't be too bad.

With the radiation and Dr appointment we have been kept busy.  It had been such a nice break in July to be "normal" and not have to deal with cancer on a daily basis. I don't know how Callum has handled these past few weeks with his limited mobility. I can keep myself busy with work, but he is at home, alone, with lots of time to think about things. He has done quite a number of crosswords, though! It just sucks.  But we do our best to make the best of each day - that is all we have! Too little time to waste it! Actually - no one should be wasting time!

Well, my water has boiled, my night time tea is brewing....time to go.

"All of life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there." From A Little Book of Happiness


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