Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jumping through hoops

 One of the things that can be frustrating when dealing with cancer in your household is finding support for the caregiver.  While I have the full support of my doctor and my employer to take a sick leave, the insurance company does not consider me "disabled" so have declined my application for short term disability. I have already agreed to a diagnosis of depression, treated with medication and a referral to a counsellor at the mental health services. So....hoop 1 and 2 done. 

I talked with the intake worker at mental health yesterday - and she surprised me.  I totally felt supported and understood. She very lightly questioned the depression diagnosis and suggested that my main issues really are about grief and loss, and the end of life issues with Callum. She absolutely believes I should not be working, but that I am also a very capable person. It was a great 15 minute conversation!

Anyway, she took the day to sort out what would best meet my needs, and was going to try to get me into to see a psychiatrist fairly quickly. She said she knew a couple that were very supportive of people in my situation, and who also had a lot of clout with insurance companies. Hoop #3 just presented itself. 
I am sure hoping that they know all the right words and write nice insurance friendly letters! 

I did have a message from her today with an appointment for next week, which I am trying to change as we are in Medicine Hat for the week.  

I can't imagine what this kind of thing can be like for those who are not as strong, or have the experience in dealing with these issues. I have spent a lot of my working life having to be creative and advocate for people, so I know I am capable of keeping at this until the decision is reversed.  

In the meantime I applied for Compassionate Care benefits from Employment Insurance - they were approved very quickly. It is amazing at how easy it was. Thank you Government of Canada!!

If you know anyone who might benefit from my experiences in this realm, please let me know - I would be most happy to try and help lessen the burden for someone.



  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful and difficult journey. I am sure many have, and will, benefit from the honesty with which you express your struggles and triumphs. May you and your husband and family be blessed with continued strength and love unbounded by fear.

  2. Elizabeth, thank you for your very kind words. We know the support we have from family and friends around the world has helped us in this journey. And we know there are many people we don't know who are pulling for us- the collective positive thoughts and prayers help!
