Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hurricane Season Has Started

The storm slowly built momentum. A few currents here and there, the wild winds slowly building up speed. At times it was calm. So calm that you could forget the storm was brewing.

Then it hit. And it was mighty. Slam! Just like a brick wall. Even when you know it is coming and you prepare, it seems to always be a surprise how quickly and strong the storm can be.

Hurricane C slammed into our life on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

Callum had his CT scan that morning and we found out in the afternoon that the cancer has progressed in both the lungs and the brain. 

On Thursday we met with the neurosurgeon in the morning and Cal decided to have surgery (in Saskatoon) to have the tumour removed. It has grown 30 - 40% since Oct. Surgery will be sometime around the end of January. Without surgery life expectancy is about 2 - 3 months and would be preceded by some disability and likely coma. Surgery gives the best opportunity for a few more weeks - hopefully 3- 5 months.

We met with the oncologist in the afternoon. He was really hesitant to commit to whether or not there had been real progression in the lungs. The new spots in the lungs are so tiny they possibly have been there all along and were just missed in the slices of the CT scans. He doesn't want us to abandon chemo too early or take a chance that it is still working and quit too early, so Cal had chemo today. Since he has to be off chemo before surgery, he won't have any more until after surgery. They will then do another CT scan and if nothing has changed, he will resume chemo. If there is progression, there will be no more treatment. The chemo won't give him a lot more time, but, along with the surgery, it does give hope for more time. Of course, with the rapid growth of the brain tumour anything can happen any day - so we hope he manages until the scheduled surgery, and we have no emergency trips!  We don’t yet have a surgery date – hopefully we will find out soon.

We have 2 of the best doctors fighting this fight with us. Neither of them could offer years of stable disease, but both believe that Callum deserves as much time as they can give him. We had an interesting discussion in the afternoon with Dr. H. Callum is determined to do whatever he can to extend his life. No surprise, really. I know that I, and our family, want to be sure we have some quality time for what they tell us will be our final months together. I knew we would have to have that discussion at some point and really wasn't looking forward to it! I can't ask Callum to quit or give up. I just want to give him the chance to spend as much quality time as he can with the people he wants to be with. All in all, I am happy with the decision made. We will have a better idea after surgery whether there is true progression in the lungs.

I will be wrapping things up at work in the next couple of days and have applied for a 3 month leave for now – of course I will request to extend it depending on the situation in April.

Of course we will have our “moments” as time goes on. After the phone call on Tuesday afternoon we really were afraid there might be no more options, so were quite thrilled to hear that there is something more to do to extend the time we have. In fact, we even went out for supper to celebrate that there are options!  It might seem a bit quirky to celebrate brain surgery and chemo, but that is our world right now.

We know we have some tough times ahead, but we have some celebrating to do before we worry too much about that!  Jan. 14 is Cal’s 50th Birthday and we couldn’t be happier to celebrate with him. The kids are taking us out for supper Friday night and I am sure we will have time with our Medicine Hat family sometime on the weekend.  There have been a few occasions where we wondered if we would be able to celebrate that milestone birthday. On the 22nd we will be in Calgary as Vanessa gets presented as a grad of the Chartered Accountant School at the black tie CA ball.  Too many good things to look forward to!

After we made phone calls to our family to let them know, I have been wondering how many are wondering why we sound so calm and perhaps not distressed. We have known for nearly 3 years that this day would come. And after every CT scan and MRI for the last 2 years we knew we were lucky to have the disease stable for so long. Callum often says that we have been very lucky to have the amount of time we have had - he was not expected to live past summer 2009.  

He is in tough this time, though.  Perhaps he will beat the odds again and we will have him around for more than a few months.  The doctors were pretty clear - time is limited, there is a small window.  But they will go to the end of the earth to make that time as long as it can be. But as Dr H put it last June - at some point their hands are tied and the disease will do whatever it wants. 

With unwavering determination Callum continues the fight.  His tenacity, stubborness, perseverance, courage and commitment to beat this disease has not changed. He just expects it to be different than what they say! We continue to carry on and face whatever is in our future. 

"To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up. "
Ralph Bunche 


  1. Hi Lorna,

    I've been reading through your blog from start to present and just wanted to say 'Hi' and ask how things are going now really?

    I also wanted to wish Cal a belated Happy Birthday for the 14th and hope that the Friday night supper was a success.

    Sending hugely positive thoughts your way.

    Love and hugs to you both xxx

  2. Hi Carole,

    sorry to take so long to get back to you - life sure does get busy.

    Things have been OK. Callum is really doing marvelous, considering his battles. Honestly, he does get tired very easily and doesn't get around much - the pain in his knee is hard to manage. We had a great visit with the neurologist and the ct scan from March 23 shows great improvement after surgery - it was quite an emotional moment for me to see his brain look normal again.

    We now have to wait for the results of the scan on the chest, abdomen and pelvis areas. We hope the chemo is still working but holding our breath as it will be nearly a miracle for that to happen.

    thanks for thinking of us. It is wonderful to hear from people around the world!

    I hope your journey is going well, and you are seeing positive outcomes.

    Take care,
    Lorna Scott
