Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's November!!!!

Wow! Can't believe it's November already! Where did the time go? After the wonderful news in October that there was really no progression in the disease, and in fact a decrease in the size of one lung tumour, we got on with the regular day to day business of life.

We spent Thanksgiving in Medicine Hat and then stayed the week to have some good Cade time! It was such a joy to be able to spend so much time with him. He is now a little boy and full of personality!  Cade had a cold and nicely shared it with me so we spent a lot of time with Kleenex!

Callum must have caught a bug somewhere along the way as he has had a few tired days, but seems to be getting over that. I have noticed him taking a few more pain meds and he has made comments about pain in  his leg. It does seem to come and go with the chemo cycle so think it might have something to do with that. Just to check, though, he had an x-ray of his knee on Oct 29. We haven't yet got the results. His blood work has been pretty good but some low hemoglobin this past week led him to a blood transfusion - the first one since July.  What a long day for him this past Wednesday - 4 hours of transfusion and about 3 1/2 hours of chemo. He was happy to get home!

Thinking of Cade always perks us up, so I did a slide show of his first year.....check it out!

Three small rules for living a happy life

Garden1. Start each day with a grateful heart.
2. Focus on the positive aspects of every person you encounter.
3. End each day with a grateful heart.
Lucy MacDonald


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